02-06-2023 11:53 EKONOMİ

Education - Employment Relationship

Education - Employment Relationship


In this series of articles, we focus on specific aspects of mediation in the education-employment relationship. Let's see how the series will progress.



The market is generally considered to be the best way to achieve regulation between demand and supply. The "invisible hand" metaphor is then set in motion in the background of the argument.


However, one of the founding fathers of modern economic analysis, Léon Walras, introduced a mediating mechanism between supply and demand, conceptualized in the figure of the auctioneer (or price taker). Therefore, the presence of a third party or an intermediary initially forms the basis of market regulation.


The job market is characterized by persistent mass unemployment and growing insecurity. Market mediation is therefore a lively social issue.



It can manifest itself in many forms in our field: third-party employers, employers' group for integration and qualification (GEIQ), traditional employers group, integration through economic activity (IAE), apprenticeship, activity and employment cooperatives, paid transport, etc.





Mediation, as some aspects of this issue are approached, may have a regional or local scope. At the regional pole of economic cooperation, it shows some intermediary potential for collective governance.


Mediation is a mitigating rather than a means of solving the tensions of a transforming production system. In other words, it deals with mediation in the context of apprenticeship in special education. It shows that apprenticeships can have an integrative role for young people, but can also be instrumentalized by companies.


Finally, by analyzing compensation networks, we will demonstrate how intermediation can be interesting and ambivalent.


We will analyze the diversity of recognition methods reported by young people with apprenticeships. The intermediation created by the apprenticeship thus provides them with resources by the trainers and those around them.



A Third-Party Employer with an Emerging Figure


As in many post-industrial societies, there is a dual phenomenon of mutually reinforcing social science employment. On the one hand, there is the continuation of mass unemployment. On the other hand, there are permanent contract and full-time norms.


This observation represents low-income accumulation, lack of social and legal protection, and employment uncertainty. And it is included in the term insecurity, which can be defined by the ability to diminish in action.

This insecurity covers many forms of intermittent employment, from internships to fixed-term contracts, including temporary work or seasonal contracts. Or, it diversifies and multiplies at its "margins" in hybrid forms of employment.


Regarding the education-employment relationship, the diploma is proving to be more and more dominant in finding a job and especially in finding a stable job. A diploma is always more necessary, but diplomas alone are not enough to get a job.


There are factors that potentially multiply the effects of inequality. Skills also play a role in obtaining promotions in the job market and in a network of relationships between people with the same degree. In this context, skills gain decisive importance.


These upheavals in the education-employment relationship and the pathways to stable employment raise the current issue of ongoing public action. Second, back to work, there is development towards placement in a work situation.


The third-party employer principle emerges in this dynamic. This principle, which is supposed to promote a reconciliation between supply and demand for employment, is caught between the goals of stabilizing workers and making them available to user companies.


Boundaries of “solutionism” are observed through mediation, which ignores guarantees and rights related to work, social protection and trade union action. There are several mechanisms covered by the third-party employer. When they do not reproduce them or emphasize the processes of individuation in the workplace, it actually struggles to act on the structural balance of power.


Based on sociohistorical approaches and analysis of particular systems, many contributions seem to have been made. Various contributions on this subject contribute to gaining knowledge about the emerging form of the education-employment relationship.


In the end, they make it possible to draw the boundaries and challenges of an as yet poorly documented area of ​​mediation. Still, there has been an area better known by the social sciences and acting as an adjunct to the "support" run by the public employment service.


Yaşam Ayavefe


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